Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Sam’s drinking partner was William Short (Billy) who later became the US Ambassador to France. He was Thomas Jefferson’s deputy, at this time (Thomas Jefferson – later president - was the US Ambassador to France).
Why was he in England? Why was he in Norfolk meeting Sam? Was he on a secret mission, sent by Jefferson or George Washington? Were the British authorities aware of his visit?
The breeches held the key – Revolution and uncertainty was rocking France and Europe. Britain’s George the Third was becoming increasingly insane.
Important people on both sides of the Atlantic were determined to ensure that, if Revolution spread to Britain, our Monarchy was preserved and Britain remained stable. It was in both the United States and British interests to keep the States free from French or Spanish Colonial aims.
The States HAD to remain a safe refuge, in times of European trouble and Sam’s Breeches held the Key! 

Sunday, 26 February 2012

The Diary of Samuel Dodman 26 February 1791
Today I rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
 and two flintlocks!
I have been translating Samuel Dodman's 1791 diary, almost daily, onto my HettyHummer Blog. Maybe I should put it on here instead (or as well).
I have had a peak into his later entries for 1791 - when he arrives in the 'fledgling' USA for the first time (with his Norfolk Breeches). I now know how important they were to George Washington and the future survival of the Country.
The diary proves that without British help (especially Sam's help), the USA would not exist today. Without Sam's Norfolk Breeches (Britches) the World would be very different!

Monday, 20 February 2012

The Holt Scribe is poorly today (MS). I've only been able to translate today's page from Samuel Dodman's 1791 Diary.
I am beginning to like old Sam! (see HettyHummer)

Saturday, 18 February 2012

"The Ballad of Sidney Sparrow".
A poem (non rhyming) for those of us who hate poems!

Friday, 17 February 2012

View my HettyHummer Blog to see my 'repertoire'
currently translating the Diaries of Sam Dodman - YES - the same man who lent his britches (Breeches) to George Washington!
Also the poetry of Drogo Camerarius (Twelfth century Anglo-Norman thinker from Norwich, England). - perhaps the Worlds first stand-up comedian!
The Inalienable One
The Hetty Hummer Trilogies
The Plumbs
Danny's Progress
The Crass Letters etc etc
This is it. In only 18 months I have written over 6 books and fifteen short stories. Many will soon be published by the Tagman Press.
ALL because I am now disabled and confined, largely, to my laptop.
BUT, I have had an active and varied life. Why not share it!