Friday 30 March 2012

I passed a toilet yesterday which had a long queue outside. Mr Cameron must have suggested that there is now a national shortage of toilet paper!
Following Mr Cameron's suggestion, I have just topped up my mobility scooter with petrol. Yes, I know, it's electric - but you just can't be too careful, can you?

Thursday 22 March 2012

Somewhere, in deepest rural Norfolk, there is a small wood. This is not just any wood, it's a special wood, a wood that hasn't been trodden in (by human's) for over ten thousand years.
It was missed when William The Conqueror's loyal scribes' catalogued England in the eleventh century and has remained un-owned by any human ever since. Actually, even the Romans missed it.
Before they came along with their big toga's and hobnail boots, humans had more important things to worry about than the ownership of a little wood in deepest Norfolk.
You may be wondering how I come to know about it then?
Well, only by accident, really!

I was exploring the farmland and lanes around my home town of Hummersby on my loyal mobility scooter Hetty one day, when we rounded a corner and collided with a slow moving, fridge!
We had no time to wonder why, or how, the fridge came to be blocking our path. We were instantly pelted with a tar-aide of elfish abuse which did nothing to alleviate Hetty's broken front axle.

From that moment, we found that we had entered another world. A world very different from ours; and yet, perhaps it was OUR world that was different, not this one!
Maybe WE had just inadvertently collided with the real world. After all, unlike ours, this one hadn't changed for thousands of years.

This is the beginning of my new scribble!
copyright - R. Chamberlain

Wednesday 14 March 2012

J&R in Zanusiland
J&R Through The Hotpoint.
or maybe "Jimmy and Riddlesworth in Zanusiland" (I'm making a hot-point!)

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Next Story "Jimmy and Riddlesworth enter the freezer" My two elf brothers accidentally embark on, yet another, compelling adventure!

Thursday 8 March 2012

I was hoping to write Sam's story daily, from his diaries. Unfortunately, my brain will not work that slowly!
Sam's Breeches I suspect, will become another story/book. My first with American content.
Until then, I will try to complete my latest novel - a detective story spanning 800 years!!
That is, if I don't get interrupted by another idea first!

Mind you with the imminent publication of my first Novel and E Book, who knows what distractions this year will herald!

Friday 2 March 2012

The Diary of Samuel Dodman - 3rd March 1791
I'm still feeling ill but not as ill as Billy looks! I had to send his manservant into Town today to fetch the Doctor to him. The only cure the Doctor gave was to tell him to drink plenty of water. The advise cost 3 shillings! It's a good job the medicine is free!
It looks like Billy intends to stay with me and accompany me to the States. When he's better, I'll ask if he can get us some more claret - to oil us until we leave!!