Wednesday 29 August 2012

My latest story "The Photograph" has now grown (and groaned) to nearly 12k words and is easily my longest 'short' story to date (I have longer 'book length' stories already written).
I hope to finish it soon, or, at least prior to the imminent publication of "Freddie". I also have to re-visit "Jimmy & Riddlesworth Save Christmas", prior to its pre-Christmas publication. How would you like THEM to appear in your stockings?
My book covers have been designed by a brilliant Frenchman who's brain appears to be as confusing as mine. My Editor also lives in France, so maybe I need to make my next hero a French Elf.
It's about time Jimmy and Riddlesworth had a girlfriend. Oo La La!

Friday 24 August 2012

The Book Cover has been designed and approved for the publication of my "A Message for Freddie" story.
Publication now imminent!

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Why read books? Just writing stories sends me on enough crazy adventures and to far more exciting places than even I can ever imagine!